Latest News and Reviews — board-games
Distilled by Paverson Games
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Craft Spirits from around the world in this highly thematic and intuitive strategy game. ‘By Hand and Heart’ is the ethos of Glenturret Distillery, the oldest Whiskey Distillery in the Highlands of Scotland. An appropriate statement to begin this article. The story of Distilled the board game has been aged to perfection, crafted with love and determination, while infused with sweet undertone flavors of creativity and passion. Dave Beck's journey started with an inspirational visit to Scotland one year. With a passion for both, Whiskey and Board Games, he was inspired after visiting a distillery and learning about the process....
Rambo the Board Game, The Trilogy Collection. Publisher: Everything Epic Games.
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To survive a war, you gotta become war. ~ Disclaimer ~ Andrew Jinman is the Marketing and Social Media WizKid at Everything Epic Games, this is neither a paid review nor an advertisement to buy the game. This is purely a writeup based on personal experiences working for Everything Epic to market #Rambo the Board Game, and of course, our enjoyment playing it! And finally being a huge 80’s fanboy of the franchise an analysis of how the source material was used to create this Epic Game! Let’s start with acknowledgments and thank yous. As many would agree (I’m sure)...
Vampire Masquerade: Blood Feud a Mega Board Game Prototype @ UKGE 2019
board-games gaming megagame vampire-the-masquerade vampires

What Are We Up To At GeekFest 5.0?
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#GameChangersUganda Support Continues!
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